Notice to Indebted 1st and 2nd Year LMD Students (very important)
Notice to students of the GC group (catch-up session)
Announcement to all groups
Announcement regarding practical work sessions
micro-interrogation in waves and vibrations
Note to indebted students
Facebook page of the second year science and technology department
https://www.facebook.com/ profile.php?id=61554365980889
Pedagogical committee meeting
Let the representatives of the cohorts (délégué) know that they are invited to attend the meeting of the Pedagogical Committee for the second year on Tuesday, 11/14/2023, at 1:30 p.m. in the college’s meeting room (the hall is opposite runway No. 03).
Announcement to students
We inform students that they can collect their new cards according to the following schedule:
- Monday 13/11/2023 GM + ELN group
For the operation to run smoothly, students must respect the following rules:
- students must bring back the old card to be able to collect the new one and in case of loss of the old one, students must provide a declaration of loss from the police
- Each group must respect the day for which it is assigned
Announcement to students
We inform students that they can collect their new cards according to the following schedule:
Monday 06/11/2023 GC group
Tuesday 07/11/2023 groups GP + TP
Wednesday 08/11/2023 ING + AUT groups
Thursday 09/11/2023 ELM + TLC groups
Sunday 12/11/2023 ELT group
For the operation to run smoothly, students must respect the following rules:
students must bring back the old card to be able to collect the new one and in case of loss of the old one, students must provide a declaration of loss from the police
Each group must respect the day for which it is assigned
English classes will start Monday 10/30/2023
English lessons to download : lesson 1 / lesson 2 / lesson 3 / lesson 4 / lesson 5 / lesson 6 / lesson 7
subjects not acquired 2023-2024
Announcement to students
Let the second year students of science and technology cohort (SG1 + SG2) ELM2 know that a remedial class TP MNA has been programmed on Tuesday 05/02/2023 at 14:00 in the account center CC2
Note to students
We inform students 2nd ST group ELM2 (SG1 + SG2) that a digital method TP remedial session is scheduled on Wednesday 26/04/2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at CC3 level.
Note to students
We inform 2nd ST students of the GP group that a soutenance tp cinetique chimique on Thersday 27/04/2023 at 11:00 in amphi 01
Note aux étudiants
Nous informons les étudiants 2eme ST le groupe ELM2 qu’une séance de rattrapage TD Dessin est programme le Mardi 18/04/2023 a 08h30 la salle E6.2.
Note to students modify
We inform 2nd ST students of the ELM2 group (SG1 + SG2) that a Tp MNA remedial session is scheduled on Tuesday 04/18/2023 At 12h00 p.m. CC1
Note to students modify
We inform 2nd ST students of the ELM1 group (SG1 + SG2) that a Tp MNA remedial session is scheduled on Sunday 04/16/2023 from 1:10 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. CC1
Note to students
Nous informons les étudiants 2eme ST les groupes HYD/GC qu’une séance de rattrapage TD MNA est programme le mercredi 19/04/2023 a 12h00 la salle E6.7
Let the second year students of science and technology know that the deadline for appealing any error in their points statements is Thursday 23/09/2021. at 15:00
Students should check their results and contact the administration as soon as possible in case of any error in the increase or decrease
We inform the following students that they are invited to attend the disciplinary council on Sunday 07/18/2021 at 9:30 a.m. in the meeting room at the department level
-Bordj Saïfedine .GP1
- Smara Islam AUT
- Bahloul Mohsen AUT
- Melek Anis .GC1
- Ziaya Mehdi TP
- Aouissi Sharafedine TLC
- Jlaibiya Mounir DG
Very important annnce for debtors
Posting of retake marks 2020/2021
- Proba Stat
- Onde et vibration
- Etat de l'art
- Chimie minérale
- Math3
- Réglementation et norme
- Mécanique rationnelle
- Théorie signal
- Technoloqie composant
- Technologie de base
- Math4
- Anglais
- Sécurite électrique
- Métrologie
- Mésure
- Chimie solution
- Chimie organique
- TLC application
- Cinitique chimique
- Corrige type Rat-MDS
- Systeme asservis
- Thermodynamique chimique
- Topography
- Thermodynamique 2
- Energie et environnement
- Production de l'énergie
- Notion phénomène
- Droit tlc
- Géologie
- Introduction raffinage
- Hydraulique et pneumatique
- Hydraulique génerale
- Eléctricite industrielle
- Logique combinatoire
- Conversion de l'énergie
- Elèment de physique composant électronique
- Fabrication mécanique
- Hydrologie
- Sciences des matériaux
- Système automatise
- Technique expression
- TLC fondamentale
2021 Rattrapage Exam Schedule
- Sys asservis
- Mesure
- Technique expression
- Math4
- Sécurité électrique
- Géologie
- Matériaux cons
- Conversion de l 'énergie
- Arch syst auto
- Hydraulique générale
- Elems de physique des composant
- Chimie organigue
- Notion des phénomène de transfert
- Hydrologie
- Introduction rafinage
- TLC fondamentale
- Production de l'energie
- Corrige typechimie solution
S4 2020/2021_exam results
- CC math4 GM
- CC logique
- CC Theorie signal
- Mesure
- TP Mesure
- CC Thermodynamique
- Sys Asservis
- CC logique
- Theorie de signal
- Chimie cinitique
- Logique combinatoire
- TD chimie des solution
- Thermodynamique
- TDThermodynamique
- TD Math 5
- TPchimie cinetique
- TP syestèm asservie
- CC Math 4
- TP logique
- TP elnf2
- TLC application
- Sécurité électrique
- Système asservi
- TP chimie organique
- Math 4
- TP Fabrication mécanique
- Technique expression
- CC Hydraulique pneumatique
- Géologie
- TP TLC fondamentale
- CC TLC fondamentale
- TLC fondamentale
- CC Chimie organique
- Chimie organique
- Production de l'energie
- Notion phénomène
- Thermodynamique
- TP chimie des solution
- Electricite industriel
- Dessin technique
- Hydraulique te pneumetique
- Chimie des solution
- Technologie des composant
- Eléments de physique de composant
- TP Hydrologie
- Hydrologie
- Architecture système
- Conversion énergie
- Droit TLC
- Fabrication mécanique
- Hydraulique générale
- Introduction rafinage
- TD Hydraulique générale
- Topography
S3 Deliberation endettes 2020/2021
S3 Deliberation 2020/2021
Students should contact the administration as soon as possible in case of any error in the increase or decrease
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the ELM group (absent) that a Micro drawing interrogation is scheduled on Sunday 20/06/2021 at 10:00 a.m. CC1 dept ST
Note to students
We inform the 2 nd ST students
-Belabed seif
- Bouchahed amin.
-Bourebia Badredine
of the ELT group that a TP Mesure electrique defense is scheduled for Thursday, 06/17/2021 at 10:00 a.m. Lab GE.
Note to students
We inform 2nd ST students that a DAO defense is scheduled for Tuesday 22/06/2021 as follows:
From 8:30 am to 10:30 am the GM-TP groups.
From 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the GC1-HYD groups
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the AUTOMATIQUE group that a TP MNA remedial session is scheduled as follows:
Monday 06/21/2021 at 1:30 p.m. CC1.
Tuesday 22/06/2021 at 1:30 p.m. CC1.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students in the Automatic group that a Micro slave system interrogation is scheduled on Saturday 19/06/2021 at 10:30 am L1.5 Dept GE.
Note to students
Let the second year students of science and technology cohort GC2 know that Soutenance DAO was programmed on Thursday 06/17/2021 at 10:30, Account Center No. 01.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the ELM group that a Micro Drawing quiz is scheduled on Sunday 13/06/2021 at 1:30 p.m. Block E6.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the ELT group that a Combinatorial logic TP defense is scheduled on Tuesday 06/15/2021 at 2:00 p.m. Labo dept G.Electrique
Note to students
We inform 2nd ST students groups GC1-GC2-HYD-TP-GM-ELM
Micro RDM interrogation is scheduled on Wednesday 06/09/2021 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. A3.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the GC2 group that a TP MNA remedial session
is scheduled for Thursday 10/06/2021 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. CC1.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the AUT group that a TP MNA remedial session is scheduled
Wednesday 09/06/2021 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. CC1.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the ELM group that a TD MNA remedial session is scheduled
Monday 06/07/2021 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Room E6.3.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students groups GC1-GC2-HYD-TP-GM-ELM Micro interrogation RDM is program
Wednesday 09/06/2021 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. A3.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the ELN group that a remedial TD Electronics Fundamontale2 session is scheduled on Monday 07/06/2021 from 10:00 to 12:00 at GE dept.
Note aux étudiants
Nous informons les étudiants 2eme ST les groupes GP1/GP2qu’un Micro interrogation chimie des solutions est programmé le Mardi 08/06/2021 a10h00 E6.7
Note aux étudiants
Nous informons les étudiants 2eme ST le groupe GC2 qu’une séance de rattrapage TP DAO est programmée le Lundi 07/06/2021 de 10h00 a 12h00 CC1.
Let the second year students of ELT science and technology know that the Soutenance de TP Mesure Electrique was programmed on Sunday 06/06/2021 at 10:00 in Lab No. 08.
Let the second year students of ELM science and technology know that a TD MNA catch-up session has been programmed on Thursday 03/06/2021 from 13:00 to 15:00 in room E6.3
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the GP1 / GP2 groups of the following:
Micro questioning Organic chemistry on Monday 06/07/2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Defense of TP Organic Chemistry on Monday 06/07/2021 at 10:30 am in room E6.7.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students in the GC1 / HYD groups that a TP MDF defense is scheduled for Wednesday 02/06/2021 at 12h00 Room E3.21.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students in the GP1 / GP2 groups that a chemical kinetics lab defense is scheduled on Sunday 06/06/2021 at 10:00 am Amphi 03.
Note to students
We inform 2nd ST students in the TLC2 group that a TD MNA remedial session is scheduled as follows:
- Wednesday 06/02/2021 at 3:00 p.m. Room E6.5.
- Thursday 06/03/2021 at 10:00 am Room E6.5.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the TLC1 / TLC2 groups that a fundamental Telecom micro interrogation is scheduled on Tuesday 01/06/2021 at 1:00 p.m. Room E6.2.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the ELN group that an ELNF2 micro interrogation is scheduled on Thursday 06/03/2021 at 10:00 am Room E3.24.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the ELT-HYD groups that a TD MNA remedial session is scheduled on Monday 05/31/2021 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Amphi 03
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students of the GC1-GC2- TP groups that a micro interrogation of TP MDS / TP MDC is scheduled on Sunday 05/30/2021 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Amphi 03.
Note to students
We inform 2nd ST students in the GP2 group that a TP MNA remedial session is scheduled on Sunday 05/30/2021 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. CC Dept GP.
Timetable 2ST-S4-2021-finale-corr
We inform the following students of their names that they are invited to attend the disciplinary council on 06/05/2021 at 13:00 in the departmental meeting room
-Bordj Seif-eddine GP1
-Bouida Isam ELM
-Ben mars Ala-eddine ELM
-Boudthelja Abd-errahim GC2
- Boursas Wasim GC2
S3 2020/2021_exam results
Examen ELTF1
Mecanique rationnel Examen
Mecanique rationnel CC
TP onde et vibration
TP Elnf-Eltf
Examen ELNF1
CC ondes et vibrations
Examen ondes et vibrations
Technologie de base
TP informatique3
Examen MDF
Dessin technique
Proba stat exam
CC- chimie minerale
Chimie minerale examen
CC-proba stat
Energie environnement
Etat de l'art rectifié
Reglementation et norme
Note to students
We inform 2nd Year Science and Technology (2ST) students in GC2 and GM groups that the micro-interrogation dessin industrie in Monday 12/04/2021 as follows:
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Civil Engineering Group 2.
from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Mechanical Engineering Group.
Note to students
We inform the 2 nd ST students of the ELT-TP-TLC2 groups that a wave and vibration defense is scheduled on Monday 05/04/2021 at 1:30 p.m. in the physical lab.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST group GC2 students that a micro interrogation ondes and vibration is scheduled on Sunday 03/28/2021 at 10:00 a.m. block E.
Note to students
We inform the 2nd ST students that a TP waves and vibration defense is scheduled on Tuesday 23/03/2021 as follows:
GC1: from 11h00 to 12h00.
GC2: from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Hydraulic: from 12h00 to 13h00
Note to students
We inform 2nd ST students that a microwave and vibration micro interrogation is scheduled on Tuesday 23/03/2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Group: Travaux publics + Electrotechnique
Exam schedule semester 3
Note to students
We inform the 2 nd ST students that a remedial session is scheduled on Tuesday 23/03/2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Announcement for students
We inform the representatives of the second year science and technology groups that they are invited to attend
Meeting of the Pedagogical Committee "C.P."
On Wednesday 10/03/2021
At the faculty conference hall level
Announcement for students
We inform the 2 nd ST students that a Micro WAVES AND VIBRATION interogation is scheduled on Thursday
11/03/2021 as follows:
-section 01 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
-section 02 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Announcement for students
We inform the 2 nd ST section 01 students that an ELTF1 Micro interogation is scheduled on Wednesday
10/03/2021 from 11h00 to 12h00.
Announcement for students
We inform the 2 nd ST students that a MATH3 Micro interogation is scheduled on MONDAY 03/08/2021 as follows
section 01 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m--
section 02 from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m-
S3 2020/2021 Time-table